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Healthy female patient, 50 years old, referred to private practice for maxilla rehabilitationPatient first came to us in 2017, having lost her front teeth at the age of 12. Couldn’t use her removable prothesis which caused severe self-esteem issues. Computerized Tomography Scan exhibited an atrophic maxilla, making it mandatory to rehabilitate with a full-arch implant-supported fixed prosthesis. All-on-4 surgery was performed in June 2017.Presentato da:
Colocación De Implantes En Sector Posterior Mandibular Con Ganancia Ósea Horizontal SimultáneaImplant Placement in the Posterior Mandibular Sector with Simultaneous Horizontal Bone GainPresentato da:
Maxillary Rehabilitation with Zygomatic Implants in an Edentulous PatientHealthy female patient, 76 years old, referred to private practice for maxilla rehabilitation. Edentulous patient, for many years; Couldn’t use her removable prothesis; Computerized Tomography Scan exhibited an atrophic maxilla, with severe bone resorption on both quadrants, making it mandatory to rehabilitate with a full-arch implant-supported fixed prosthesis.Presentato da:
Atrophied maxilla: rehabilitation with computerized tomography and implants SECOND PARTHealthy female patient, 37 years old, referred to private practice for maxilla rehabilitation. Patient with very few remaining teeth, severely compromised; Computerized Tomography Scan exhibited an atrophic maxilla, with severe bone resorption, making it mandatory to rehabilitate with a full-arch implant-supported fixed prosthesis.Presentato da:
Atrophied maxilla: rehabilitation with computerized tomography and implantsHealthy female patient, 37 years old, referred to private practice for maxilla rehabilitation. Patient with very few remaining teeth, severely compromised; Computerized Tomography Scan exhibited an atrophic maxilla, with severe bone resorption, making it mandatory to rehabilitate with a full-arch implant-supported fixed prosthesis.Presentato da:
Injerto con malla de gore reforzada con titanio tipo RTMInjerto con malla de gore reforzada con titanio tipo RTMPresentato da:
Injerto gingival libre a nievl del 31 para tratar recisión extremaInjerto gingival libre a nievl del 31 para tratar recisión extremaPresentato da:
Elevación seno abierta con fresas Magnéticas Masai y aloinjerto corticoesponjoso BiobankPaciente varón de 62 años que acude a consulta para rehabilitar el primer cuadrante, debido a la falta de hueso realizamos una elevación de seno abierta rellenado con aloinjerto corticoesponjoso(Biobank), la apertura de la ventana la realizamos con el kit de fresas magnéticas Masai de Sanhigia, tb realizamos una preservación alveolar con xenoinjerto colagenizado( Xenoflex)Presentato da: