Licenciado en Odontologìa (UAX).
Master en Cirugìa Bucal (Universidad de Sevilla-Hospital Universitario Vìrgen Del Rocìo)
Diploma Universitario de Anatomia aplicada a la Implantología (Universidad de Sevilla)
Master en Ciencias Odontológicas (Universidad de Sevilla)
Diploma Universitario de Implantologìa y Rehabilitaciòn Implantosoportada (Universite Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2)
Socket shield versus immediate implant with connective tissue graft
I would like to share with you an interesting case which compares the result obtained between an immediate implant in tooth 14 with socket shield technique and an immediate implant in tooth 15 with connective tissue graft.
To be honest, is the first time I´ve done this technique I can see the result is excellent. I didn´t expect to publish it, as pictures are just not the better ones, but I think is really interesting as we can compare the result of both techniques.