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2019-10-16 05:56:34
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Socket Shield Technique: a 3 year follow-up case

In this case the socket shield technique was used , because the patient, a young and attractive woman, wanted the optimal esthetic outcome. She showed a high smile line, a thin gingiva biotype and long papillae. Loss of the least amount of tissue would be a failure. The Socket Shield technique was therefore the procedure of choice, beaus in that way I could maintain the buccal contours and the papillae. This case is presented step by step and has a 3 year succesfull follow-up.

Dr. Kuit
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Comentarios (15)
Ricardo Martínez, OST Staff
13-07-2015 20:21
thank you so much for this follow up case of Socket Shield 3 years. very interesting! :)
Kuit, Haakon
08-02-2015 23:59
Thanks Tomas Garcia, I removed the part of the root with a bone cutter bur ( long shaft by Komet) sorry for the late response
Fernández, Juan Alberto
10-12-2014 11:04
I love this discussion, is something that i considerer of maximum interest. What i have seen is if you cut the crown and let the root leveled to the bonecrest there is always a bone lost, of course due to the reestablishment of the biological width. What i do indeed, is to leave the root 2 mm long ( above the bonycrest) and if necessary i trimmed later. Is it clear?.

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San Miguel Hernández, Rafael
09-12-2014 23:53
I think it is wise to keep supracrestal fibers. As you say it depends on the type of normal, high or low crest de J. Kois. Thank you for your collaboration because nobody talks about this.
Kuit, Haakon
09-12-2014 22:34
Dear colleague Rafael, If I understood correctly you asked me how far is the root shield below the gingival margin? The shield is prepared till ± 1mm above the bony crest, in that way you can maintain the supracrestal fibers. So that means in most cases ± 2mm below the gingival margin, but sometimes a little bit more. (We know the low and high crest types - Kois 1994)
San Miguel Hernández, Rafael
09-12-2014 20:22
Dr. Kuit excelente caso desde el principio al final ( vaya corona final!!)y el seguimiento. Tengo una pregunta: el corte del escudo radicular ¿ cuanto lo profundiza desde el margen gingival hacia apical, 3 mm o cuanto?. Gracias por el post.
Kuit, Haakon
09-12-2014 19:13
Thank you Jorge Campos and Anna Floraso, for your kind words! I will post soon some other 3 year old cases, since I started withe the Socket Shield in 2011.
Fioraso, Anna
09-12-2014 17:14
Estimado Dr. Kuit quería felicitarle por su excepcional caso. Unos de los mejores que he visto. Y , con el valor añadido de tres años de seguimiento. Cualquier otro plan de tratamiento hubiera arrojado, sin duda, un peor resultado estético. En relación al socket shield, qué sentido tiene la utilización de Endogain (R) Thank You.
Campos, Jorge
09-12-2014 13:22
Congratulations Dr. Kuilt ! This are the "oldest" SS images that I have seen and they look great! Difficult case with beautifull outcome! Thanks for posting. Jorge Campos
Kuit, Haakon
09-12-2014 09:29
Thank You Juan Alberto! I'm Honoured
Fernández, Juan Alberto
09-12-2014 09:19
Very well explained, thanks. You are in board. I am going to propose you as expert. Congratulations.
Kuit, Haakon
09-12-2014 08:53
Dear colleagues, Thank you very much for your feedback. @Tomas Garcia; I use for "extraction" the bone cutter for the red handpiece, From Komet, REF: H25LE 314 012 First split the root in half in M-D direction, through the apex! Than from inside prep the root till you have just a very thin rootpiece left ( 6-8 mm in height , 0,5-1mm thick. You have to be sure that all infected materials ( ie rootcanal filling materials)are removed and that the apical part is removed. For me is CBCT diagnostics a must, because you know exactly the measurements and the position of the root. @ Buendia Ordionez: The protocol of Hürzeler : no matarials in the gap, just Emdogain, So I never filled the gap , I apply Emdogain in the socket against the inneraspect of the rootpiece and leave it filled with blood. Sometimes the is no gap because of the narrow space. I have seen cases though, wich were using bovine , non resorbable materialsd, but I have experience with that. I hope this will answer th
Ordónez, Buendia
09-12-2014 08:16
I agree with my colleagues. But i have a question. Did you add any biomaterial, to fill the gap, between the remaining piece of root and the socket. Which one,is the gap fulfilled, or only the coronal aspect. Thanks for your post.
Fernández, Juan Alberto
09-12-2014 08:19
I Love this case. Congratulations. Please keep on posting
García , Tomas
09-12-2014 06:22
Incredible longterm result. Please, explain how do you extract the tooth? Piezo, round bur, diamont.... I thank You in advance. Felicitaciones compañero.

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