Elevación de Seno
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Healthy male patient, 71 years old, was referred to private practice for maxilla rehabilitationDiagnosed with periodontitis, the remaining teeth presented severe compromise, with infections and mobility. Computerized Tomography Scan exhibited an atrophic maxilla, making it mandatory to rehabilitate with a full-arch implant-supported fixed prosthesis.Presentado por:
Healthy male patient, 43 years old, was referred to private practice for mandible rehabilitationDiagnosed with periodontitis, the remaining teeth presented severe compromise, with infections and mobility. Computerized Tomography Scan exhibited an atrophic maxilla, making it mandatory to rehabilitate with a full-arch implant-supported fixed prosthesis.Presentado por:
Healthy female patient, 51 years old, was referred to private practice for mandible rehabilitationDiagnosed with periodontitis, the remaining teeth presented severe compromise, with infections and mobility. Computerized Tomography Scan exhibited an atrophic maxilla, making it mandatory to rehabilitate with a full-arch implant-supported fixed prosthesis.Presentado por:
Healthy female patient, 50 years old, was referred to private practice for mandible rehabilitationDiagnosed with periodontitis, the remaining teeth presented severe compromise, with infections and mobility. Computerized Tomography Scan exhibited an atrophic mandible, making it mandatory to rehabilitate with a full-arch implant-supported fixed prosthesis.Presentado por:
Manejo de paciente con defectos horizontales en sectores posteriores edéntulos mediante socket shields en caninos, injertos de hueso autólogo de rama y elevación de seno bimaxilar (parte 2 de 2)Socket shield on edentulous patient with horizontal defects in posterior sectors. Bilateral maxillary sinus lift and autologous bone graft obtained from the ramus (part 2 of 2)Presentado por:
Manejo de paciente con defectos horizontales en sectores posteriores edéntulos mediante socket shields en caninos, injertos de hueso autólogo de rama y elevación de seno bimaxilar (parte 1 de 2)Socket shield on edentulous patient with horizontal defects in posterior sectors. Bilateral maxillary sinus lift and autologous bone graft obtained from the ramus (part 1 of 2)Presentado por:
Caso clínico de cirugía apicalEl Dr. Francesc Abella, colaborador en la facultad de odontología de la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC), comparte un caso clínico de cirugía apical utilizando membrana de colágeno Hypro sorb.Presentado por:
How to handle an 11mm pocket on the buccal plateIn this video, Dr. Simon starts sharing a case with an 11mm pocket on the buccal. It is not periodontal disease. You are dealing with a defect in the buccal plate. He shares his thought process and gives you some practical advise. In future videos you will see the clinical handling.Presentado por: