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How to manage the missing buccal plate?

This is a video created for a friend of mine, Dr. Rawad Riman, from Beverly Hills. He was about to extract a tooth and perform a bone graft. He had several questions about the procedure which are answered and described in the video

Dr. Simon
United States
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Comentarios (6)
Fernández, Juan Alberto
08-01-2015 19:29
I want to express my gratitude to all whom share time, knowledge And effort. It is a very hard work, underestimated. Sacrifice personal time. I really thank You all.
Simon, Ziv
08-01-2015 16:06
Sorry. I have to work on my Spanish....
Fernández, Juan Alberto
06-01-2015 19:51
Dr Bilbao a mi el enlace me va perfecto.

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Bilbao, Javier
06-01-2015 14:34
tengo problemas para usar el enlace, no se porque...
Simon, Ziv
31-12-2014 19:52
Thank you. I don't have experience with the SST yet and will keep the community posted in the future. I think it holds promise but is somewhat technique sensitive with potential risks in the esthetic zone. That can happen if the fragment works its way out or gets infected. Guidelines are non existent at the moment because we are just inventing as we go. The first histologic article came out recently and showed the implant in contact with dentin.
Fernández, Juan Alberto
30-12-2014 21:48
Very interesting video. What is your opinion about socket shield technique ?

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