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2019-10-17 04:34:58
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I broke a root tip....what to next? (Thought process video)

Have you luxated a tooth (very carefully) and all of a sudden heard a nauseating noise? A sharp snappy noise? A click?

This sound just sent a message to your brain saying: “you broke a root tip #$##%$, what are you doing next, genius?”

2nd thought: ”How long is it going to take now??”

3rd thought: “can I even do it?”

4th thought: you don’t even want to know.


Relax… you’re in good company. Every doctor involved with tooth extraction breaks root tips. If you extract hundreds of teeth, you’ll break a few dozens. If you extract thousands, you’ll break a couple of hundreds.

A deadly combination of thin and curved roots, root canal tooth, dense bone and impatience will lead to the separation of these roots. Did you like the verbiage? Root didn’t break, they separated and are now stuck in an area that is difficult to access. That will reduce years of your life and create unnecessary stress…only in case you’re not prepared and know what to do.

Study the tooth before you extract.


Look at the anatomy.


Predict the challenges and problems


When they occur, you stare these issues in the face, and fight back.

Don’t leave roots behind. “Remember your roots” is an instant replay video I just recorded for you. It’s for every doctor that broke at least one root in their life time.

I have broken too many to count and removed a great majority of them successfully. Hey, not saying it’s easy or devoid of stress but it is feasible.





You’ll find that with a calm demeanor, you are more focused and work faster and more effectively and therefore complete the procedure successfully.

Here is the video on my thought process when root tips break. It’s not your fault but the patient is counting on you.

You are the surgeon, you make the decision. I hope you find this video valuable. “Remember your roots”…


Check out "REMEMBER YOUR ROOTS" video


Hey! if you think this information is valuable feel free to share with your friends and colleagues.


Also, feel free to email me at any time. 


So don’t forget to keep learning,  trying, practicing and stay in the game!


To your surgical success!


Ziv Simon

Creator of Surgical Master, Surgical Training for Dentists



Dr. Simon
United States
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Comentarios (2)
Bilbao, Javier
10-01-2015 22:05
Wow ! Really helpful ! Thank you dr. !
Fernández, Juan Alberto
08-01-2015 19:17
Dr simon very valuable info, very Well described. Funny, realistic And useful.

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